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Christine got Nisea in France in early 1998. They lived there until July 2006 when Christine moved to New Zealand to be with Paul and Nisea came along. She was 8 1/2 years old by then and only lived another 9 months, passing away on Easter Monday 2007 from kidney failure. 

"Time passes but it doesn't get any easier. Nisea was my first Scottie, by best companion who followed me everywhere. When I had her, I knew I would never want another breed. RIP Nini." - Christine


3 month-old Nisea playing soccer

7 month-old Nisea

My favourite activity.
All those moles, you know. 

Gardena hoses, Nisea killed many of them. It was her favourite summer pastime to catch the hose and shake it, getting us all wet in the process. 

She just went mental when there was a fresh dump of snow. It often resulted in the snow clustering in her coat, then melting indoors. 
Jazou the Westie belonged to my boyfriend at the time so I decided to get a Scottie. They became best friends and spent countless hours fighting for a stick, running after each other, begging for treats, getting the best spot on the sofa. They were inseparable. 
Jazou outlived Nisea by 8 years, passing away at the old age of 18 and a few months. 

Sticks, the bigger, the better


In 2006 Christine moved to New Zealand to live with her new partner, Paul. Nisea came along of course but this was a big change for an 8+ year-old Scottie. Little did we know that she had only 9 more months to live but these few months were filled with lots of discoveries: a new place, a new man in mum's life, an ocean, lots of white fluffy animals (sheep) and the best of the best, a creature they called possum! 
The new man of the house - he was nice, he let me on the bed, but he also insisted on hygiene a bit too much, in my opinion.





First encounter with the sea

Lake Taupo

Below some random photos with their little story

Caught in a cockroach glue-trap

Nice All-Blacks sofa for an all black doggie

Emptying the rubbish bin is fun but the two-legged don't have the same sense of humour.

Tying my fav treat to the back of a remote-controlled car. They are mean. 

We collected toys for an orphanage in Timor-Leste. I put on my quality-controller's hat. 

ALBANNACH | Scottish Terriers Breeders | New Zealand

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